Britney Spears was hauled, apparently not kicking and screaming, off to the nuthouse last night. Why this would happen when Britney clearly isn't really crazy is beyond me. Maybe she just wanted a little rest from her endless campaign of pretend-insanity, and figured a short voluntary stint at UCLA Medical Center would do.
Yes, Britney went of her own free will. TMZ reports that, after the live-in shrink put in their call to the authorities, Brit made hot chocolate and waited calmly for the paramedics. The shrink apparently made the call because Britney hadn't slept in a couple of days. I wasn't aware that she slept at all, but okay.
TMZ now says that, a few weeks ago, Britney signed papers indicating she wanted her parents kept out of any medical decisions. This stemmed from a shoving match between her father Jamie and Sam Lutfi. On the one hand, I think Britney showed sound judgment in not wanting her parents involved - since they're the ones who got her in this mess in the first place. But giving authority to Sam Lutfi to make decisions on her behalf shows the opposite of sound judgment - in fact, I wouldn't be surprised to learn Lutfi was even at this moment on his way to Brazil, having transferred all Britney's money into his own off-shore accounts.