Friday, January 25, 2008

Travolta's Weird Ledger Thing

John Travolta was hit hard by the death of Heath Ledger.

"I would give back all of my awards and my nominations just to have him back again," Travolta said while speaking at the Australia Plays Broadway gala in New York Tuesday night, just hours after Ledger's death. "We love you Heath, wherever you are."

He's safe with Xenu John.

Travolta then elaborated on his Ledger-love to Woman's Day Magazine.

"He was my favourite actor and my favourite talent," Travolta says. "It's like losing James Dean.

"I wanted to meet him because I was very impressed with him from the very beginning. His agent introduced me to him at a party, and I just fell [in love]. Actors need other actors to be inspired by, and he was my actor."

Travolta gushed all this man-love out to Ledger, who was apparently embarrassed.

"He was beautiful in his reaction," Travolta says. "I was an idol of his - my reacting that way to his work really blew him away, but he was very modest and almost bashful about the compliment."

Actually he was mortified, but you were too lame to realize it.

Travolta, not surprisingly, was particularly impressed by Ledger's turn in Brokeback Mountain, saying, "I don't think anyone will ever beat that performance, I don't know if it's possible."

You were moved by Ledger playing a gay cowboy, were you John? Yeah I bet. Moved to jerk yourself into a stupor.

Jeez John, let's gush over Heath Ledger in front of a bunch of Australians at a gala. That's not pandering to the crowd or anything, eh? You phony fuck.
