Scarlett Johansson did her part to help fight AIDS by dressing up like Jane Goodall, and flying to Africa to stand around nodding her head. "It was important for me to come here and see the issues we're up against firsthand," reads Johansson's statement. "I came here with an open mind, wanting to listen, understand and learn; I leave with the overwhelming understanding that the small action of making a (RED) choice in your purchases ... has an enormous impact on the lives of people in countries like Rwanda." (RED) is apparently a group of brands that donate money to AIDS causes if you buy their stuff. I'm sure Scarlett only buys (RED) stuff too. Cause she cares deeply about buying the right stuff. It's all about the buying. And the plaits, which tell people that you are a simple person like the simple folk you are meeting. And the scarf. And not puking no matter how bad the cow-shit smell gets.