Proof that you don't have to be famous to have an attitude - the antics of new 90210 starlet Shenae Grimes, who appears to think she is the second coming of Shannen Doherty. By Page 6's account - Grimes has been "tormenting" everyone on the show's set, acting "rude to the cast, crew and extras," and even screamed at one fellow actor, "Who the hell are you?" To which the other actor should've replied, "I don't know - who the hell are you?" Shenae Grimes? Where did they find her - the list of rejects who didn't make it onto The Hills? Grimes thinks so highly of herself that she once proclaimed to 90210 castmates, "This is my show - everyone else is riding my coattails." Dear Shenae - you have to be somebody before you can have coattails to ride. Now go get some more words tattooed onto your body. You'll have to take our word for it that they're not dirty words, cause we know you can't read them.