Tuesday, September 16, 2008

So Deep

Plastic twat Megan Fox used an interview in GQ magazine as an opportunity to vent her anger at the Disney tart-machine and the control they exert over their starlets. "With any of the Miley Cyrus shit, or any of that Vanessa Hudgens shit—I would never issue an apology for my life and for who I am," Fox said. "It’s like, 'Oh, I’m sorry I took a naked, private picture that someone is an asshole and sold for money. I’m sorry if someone else is a dick.' No. You shouldn’t have to apologize. Someone betrayed Vanessa, but no one’s angry at that person. She had to apologize. I hate Disney for making her do that. Fuck Disney."

And then Megan added, "They take these little girls, and they put them through entertainment school and teach them to sing and dance, and make them wear belly shirts, but they won’t allow them to be their own people. It makes me sick."

Yes Megan - they'd be much better off if they rebelled against corporate power like you. Oh, by the way - Transformers 2 will be out June 26, 2009. Keep sticking it to the man Meg.