Hayden Panettiere may be sick of shacking up with pansy Heroes co-star Milo Ventimiglia. The pint-sized dolphin savior's wandering eye reportedly fell upon Los Angeles Lakers player Lamar Odom the other night after a Jay-Z concert, and her little loins began verily to throb with lust. "She seemed thrilled to see Lamar and flirted up a storm with him," a spy said. "He spent much of their chat almost bent double, so he could hear what she was saying. I thought she was dating Milo Ventimiglia but that didn't seem to stop her exchanging numbers with Lamar. He seemed very fond of her." Well, he's black, she's white, so yeah - he was probably pretty fond of her. Now she dreams of being spun around like a wacky party favor on top of Lamar's massive negro shaft.