The rats are abandoning John McCain's sinking ship. Of course when campaigns go south, the people involved all scramble to save their reputations, and tactic number 1 is to sell out as many other people as possible. Sarah Palin, having no real political friends in the lower 48, is naturally going to get lambasted by weasels looking to rescue their good names. It started over the weekend when stories of friction between Palin and McCain's people began leaking out. Palin thinks McCain's folks have held her back too much and contributed to her bad performances on TV. Now she's no longer listening to these spineless advisors, a tactic that prompted at least one highly-placed McCain person to brand her a "diva." And today it got even worse. Another senior member of McCain's campaign, speaking to Politico's Mike Allen, called Palin "a whack-job." This was probably the kindest term he could think of. McCain's campaign is in full meltdown mode. The sad thing is that, if he'd just stuck with his old McCain Straight-Talk Express routine and picked a decent running mate, he might've actually won. But he sold his soul to the Rovians and now he'll have to drag his gimpy arms back to Arizona. Poor old, muddle-brained putz.