Joaquin Phoenix says he's quitting acting and will devote himself instead to making music. The nutbag Walk the Line star rambled during an appearance on Extra, "I want to take this opportunity...to give you the exclusive ... that this will be my last performance as an actor... I'm not doing films anymore." It's pretty clear what's happened here. He played Johnny Cash in a movie and did his own singing and now he thinks he's a musician. This happens to actors all the time. It's like when Al Pacino did Serpico and couldn't get out of character and was caught running around New York with a fake badge arresting people. Just get over it Joaquin - you're not Johnny Cash. That movie was a few years ago now and you should really be over it. Let's just hope he doesn't start thinking he's a journalist like Sean Penn, or we'll be up to our elbows in badly-written essays on Iran and Venezuela.