Tuesday, October 21, 2008

You Think You Had A Bad Day

Skylar Deleon
, a one-time child actor on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, has been convicted of three counts of first-degree murder. Here's what the little bastard did: He and a couple other guys scammed a couple from Arizona into taking them out on the yacht they were trying to sell, then tied the poor people to an anchor and threw them overboard. Their bodies were never recovered. Nice. The other murder was a little less creative: Deleon bilked some guy out of $50,000 then slit his throat. But of course the defense is arguing that Skylar had a bad childhood and therefore should be spared the death penalty. Fuck that. This bastard should be drawn and quartered on national television and his dismembered carcass fed to dogs. Put it on a double-bill with Nick Hogan being raped by 100 slobbering lunatics and run it during sweeps.