Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Damage Control, Big Time

Jon Gosselin must feel like he's losing the image war with Kate. That would explain why, on Tuesday, he visited cancer kids at a hospital in New York.

Must've been a real thrill for those poor cancer-stricken little wretches, seeing Jon Gosselin walk in. "Hey kids look, it's the guy on TV with all the healthy kids who get to run around and eat junk food and live past 13 unless their mom goes crazy and poisons them all!"

I don't know about you, but if I were a cancer kid, and the hospital people told me we were getting a special visitor, and I lay awake all night thinking I was going to meet Johnny Depp or Derek Jeter, and then the moment came and Jon Gosselin strolled through the door? I'd feel a tiny bit gypped.

Of course it could've been worse. It could've been Heidi and Spencer.