Thursday, August 27, 2009

Turning On One Of His Own

John McCain wanted peace and harmony at his health care town hall meeting Wednesday. One woman had a different idea and began shouting in the familiar nutter way.

McCain gave the woman a chance to simmer down, warning her she would have to leave if she didn't. The woman refused to simmer and McCain had security escort her out.

"Goodbye, see ya," McCain quipped as the woman was dragged away. The crowd applauded.

McCain understands what the right-wing agitators have known all along: Get people shouting and they will keep shouting, even if they don't know why they're shouting. It just becomes a behavior pattern. And then, with everyone shouting, well-reasoned, thoughtful, worthwhile arguments get drowned out.

McCain, at least, still wants a civilized discussion. Not so the insurance companies and the talk radio shitstormtroopers on their payroll.