Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Frances Bean To Model For Chanel?

Courtney Love's daughter Frances Bean has reportedly accepted an offer to model for Chanel. I'm not supposed to say anything bad about Frances Bean, at least according to this one maniac who sent me an angry email (I still think it was Courtney herself), so I guess I'll just limit myself to wishing Frances good luck in her modeling endeavors.

I will say this to Courtney though: Courtney, your husband and Frances's father couldn't handle fame and shot himself. Your pursuit of fame has led you to completely destroy your face. Yet you think it's a good idea to let your 15-year-old daughter model for Chanel? Has the notion of learning from experience and trying to pass this wisdom on to your progeny never even occurred to you? Or are you just so addled from all the drugs that, even if it did pop into your brain to advise Frances against following the road that has led so many to ruin, you soon forgot about it, and decided it would be cool to have a daughter who was a model cause then you'd get lots of great clothes and she could score even more drugs for you?
