Thursday, January 3, 2008

Huckabee Keeps Pulling The Chuck Norris Lever

Further proof that Mike Huckabee thinks people are idiots who will vote for him not because he's qualified to be president, but because they think he's a "regular guy" like them (via

Mike Huckabee just released his schedule of New Hampshire events and here's the part that is very interesting: Every single one of them is with actor Chuck Norris.

This seems to be a smart marketing move by Huckabee. Follow me here on this. Let's say Huckabee wins Iowa. The media goes ga-ga and Huckabee becomes the feel good story, the miracle worker right?

Then here he comes to New Hampshire with tough as nails Chuck Norris. Huckabee claims the underdog won in Iowa and he's ready for a fight. Enter Chuck Norris who knows a thing or two about a good fight. They go on the trail together as "Huck and Chuck" and gives Huckabee the "cool factor." It makes sense.

"See, I'm just like you. I think Chuck Norris is cool. I remember when I saw Missing in Action at the drive-in, and I thought, 'Wow. Chuck Norris represents everything that's great about America. He doesn't just sit there on his couch while his buddies are still in prison back in 'Nam - he goes and kicks some gook ass and gets them out.' These are values all us regular guys who aren't being the least bit ironic and don't even know what irony is can relate to."

Huckabee is one shrewd fucker. Of course dragging Chuck to New Hampshire won't help him with all the elitist B&B types up there, but Huckabee knows good and well that the cable channels take bits from those rallies and put them on TV, so it's still worth it to him.
