Tuesday, June 3, 2008

False Angelina Birth Story Blamed on Fake Assistant

There's an explanation for why numerous media outlets, including Entertainment Tonight, were fooled a few days ago into believing Angelina had given birth to her twins in France. Apparently, some bozo has been going around impersonating Angelina's assistant. Angelina's lawyer sent out a letter warning of the impostor. The letter reads:

A random individual has engaged in a scheme to intentionally harm my client and deceive her fans, the public and the media through illegal and tortuous impersonation of Ms. Jolie’s long-time assistant, Holly. The individual who claims to be, and to whom the media has relied upon as, a "reliable source" is not my client’s assistant, nor does the email address belong to my client’s assistant.

The fake assistant has reportedly been at it for a year. Really? And none of these places caught on that they were being fucked with? Even when the stories turned out not to be true? They just kept on quoting this person as a source?

Dang...and I thought I was the only one who didn't give a shit whether the stuff was true. Apparently ET doesn't either. And they're the legit media! Well, semi-legit.