Iran has announced its intentions to put a man in space within the next 10 years. Yes, that Iran. The country that can't even get a basic nuclear reactor going. How long have we been hearing that Iran is "this close" to going nuclear? What's the point of sanctioning or bombing the dumb-asses when they can't even do what Enrico Fermi did with 1930s technology? Just let them build their little reactor - it'll probably blow up in their faces. And if it does work, it won't even have enough juice to light up the bulb in an Easy-Bake Oven. It's gonna be a hoot watching these dirtbags try to shoot a guy into orbit. They'll probably start with an animal though - a goat would be appropriate. Then they can shoot up a man. Then a man and a goat - so the man won't be lonely. Who am I kidding? They won't even get off the ground. In 50 years they'll still be firing 2-liter Diet Coke bottles fueled by Mentos. "We almost hit the top of that telegraph pole!" And to think this was once the mighty Persian Empire.