Kate Hudson and her hair stylist David Babaii are being sued for allegedly stealing a secret hair care product formula from a company they were once involved with. The suit says Hudson and Babaii entered into a verbal agreement with 220 Laboratories to market some wacky volcanic ash based hair crap, but the second 220 gave them the formula, they ran off with it and shopped it around in search of a better deal. That's good business sense right there. Of course Hudson's reps are denying she even knew anything about the deal. Their statement:
Kate and her attorneys are only just learning of the complaint, as Kate has not yet been served. Kate does not know the plaintiffs and has never met with them or spoken with them. Her representatives believe that the claims are baseless and without merit and intend to vigorously defend the lawsuit.
Kate should figure out some way to milk this for publicity. Cause God knows she could use some. It also wouldn't hurt for her to make a halfway decent movie.