There's a new celebrity vs. John McCain flap, and this time it involves Madonna. Apparently, Vadge stuck a video montage in her new live show that put McCain in with Hitler and Zimbabwe's dictator Robert Mugabe, then featured Barack Obama alongside John Lennon and Gandhi. Oh Madonna, you're so daring - attacking someone's politics by comparing them to Hitler. Like that one isn't used on a daily basis by every asshole who calls in to talk radio. Madonna again proves how far behind the curve she is for someone who's supposed to be so on top of things. And of course John McCain's people, tonedeaf buffoons that they are, decided to respond to Madonna. They said in a statement:
The comparisons are outrageous, unacceptable and crudely divisive all at the same time.It clearly shows that when it comes to supporting Barack Obama, his fellow worldwide celebrities refuse to consider any smear or attack off limits.
They tried making their Obama is nothing but a vapid celeb point again - it was weak to begin with and it hasn't aged well. And they made the same mistake as when they responded to Paris Hilton's response to the Obama ad - they made themselves look lame by trying to seem with it. McCain needs to just stay away from all the celeb stuff. Of course imbeciles like Madonna are going to rake him over the coals while fawning over Obama. And so what if she used the Hitler comparison? It's too trite to be shocking or outrageous or anything else. I do give her credit for whipping out Mugabe though. That's topical and of-the-moment. I just wonder how many of her fans even knew who the hell he was. They were all like, "Sidney Poitier? What the fuck?"