Thursday, August 21, 2008

Update: Jean Reno Has Heart Attack...Or Not

Jean Reno
, a French actor who became something of a cult figure in America after the success of his action film Leon, has suffered a massive heart attack while on vacation in St. Barts and is currently in intensive care after being airlifted to the hospital. Reno was with his wife Zofia Borucka at the home of French rock star Johnny Hallyday when the cardiac event occurred. I consider myself a movie buff but I have to confess, I've never seen Leon. Somehow I've always missed it. What this has to do with Jean Reno being in intensive care, I have no idea. Going off on even more of a tangent - I'm amazed Gerard Depardieu hasn't died of a heart attack yet. He's a pig-boat.

Update: Jean Reno has not had a heart attack according to his reps. They say the actor experienced some heart burn and went to the hospital as a precaution. So how the fuck does that end up as "he had a massive episode and was airlifted out and is now in intensive care waiting for the Pearly Gates to yawn open?" I'm not a journalist - don't pretend to be - but the people at these newspapers and their websites are supposed to be. Don't they check shit out?

Then again...Bernie Mac's reps kept saying for days that he was okay. So maybe it's disinformation again.