Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Daddy Suspicious

Lindsay Lohan seems to have gotten her life together and her husband Sam Ronson is getting most of the credit. The only person not buying this is Lindsay's father Michael who thinks Sam is anything but a good influence on Linds. "I’ve been up and down the road [in discussions] with my ex-wife [Dina] and it’s to the point now that I’m going to confront Samantha and Jenny Muro [Lindsay’s production assistant] myself," Michael revealed. Why? He thinks Lindsay is wasting her life with Ronson and that Sam has encouraged her to get back on the sauce. "Samantha drinks and passes the drinks under the table to Lindsay, and behind the scenes it gets worse and worse," Michael said. And here's the kicker: "Sam is using my daughter. My daughter isn’t working because she’s always with Sam. Even my ex-wife knows it. She just isn’t doing anything about it." Um, Mikey - maybe the reason Dina isn't "doing anything about it" is that Lindsay is over 21 and can fuck and drink with whoever the hell she pleases? What a psychotic meathead this guy is. You just know he prowls around in the bushes spying on Lindsay. Fuck sake dude, leave the girl alone. You had your turn at ruining her life - let someone else take over.