Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Message Move

The Palin family has invited Bristol's little beer-swilling hockey-player baby daddy Levi to attend the Republican National Convention in St. Paul and he has accepted. I get the message they're trying to send: We approve of Levi and are happy to welcome him into our family and we're not angry about him knocking up little Bristol whom we love and support. Of course they're lying. They hate Levi and wish their darling daughter had never laid eyes on him. And you know the last thing in the world Levi wants to do is fly to Minnesota and hang out with the family of the chick he knocked up and all those other old Republican fuddy-duddies. He'd rather be back in Alaska chillin' with his homies, finding some other hot young piece of tail to get with while Bristol is thousands of miles away. He wishes his dick had never gotten anywhere near that bitch's hole. But this is your world now Levi - you impregnated the daughter of a Christian family that has to show it has Christian values by ruining her life and yours. Sucks for you that the Palins aren't baby-murdering lefties or Bristol would already have been scraped and you'd be free to fuck your way through the next 20 years with impunity. Man, what a schmuck you are. I'd feel sorry for you if your face didn't make me loathe you.