Jude Law is in Kabul on a peace-promoting mission for the U.N. I'm not sure what Law's presence contributes to the cause but damn it, at least he's out there plugging away. He's one of those caring celebs like George Clooney and Hayden Panettiere. And, you know, if he gets in some chick's burqa while he's there, that's just a bonus.
(For any Just Jared or Perez Hilton fans who might stumble upon this post: Kabul is the capital of the country of Afghanistan, a place far away on the other side of the world where people live in earthen huts and scratch an existence from the cruel earth, and occasionally get the shit blown out of them by more powerful countries like America who are looking to satisfy the bloodlust of a populace that's blind to the evil imperialist policies that are actually to blame for things like 9/11. The poor Afghans go their whole lives without ever seeing a Rihanna video or eating a Hot Pocket. They do, however, grow most of the poppies that end up becoming the heroin you love so much.)