The hot web rumor of the moment...a sex tape featuring Britney Spears, Kevin Federline and a stripper is about to surface. This tape is allegedly in the possession of some icky site called, but when one tries finding it, one is sent to a snarky, equivocating statement. This reads in part:
Contrary to whatever someone might have heard or seen, news of a Britney sex tape is not new to us here. Its possible we could have a tape, but perhaps a cease and desist letter was sent. The power of legalities... Will we confirm we have a tape, not at present time, will we deny this... Not at present time... For all we know things could be faked, they have been in the past so until there is clarity and legal obstacles have been overcome, this will be nothing more than a rumor.
Five bucks says there's no tape. Nice try though.
Meanwhile...shrinks all over America are expressing their outrage at the staff of Cedars Sinai for allowing Dr. Phil access to Britney against her wishes and without prior warning. But he's Dr. Phil. He can do anything he wants, right?
Also...Britney is reported to have spent most of the time since her release from the psycho ward in the company of her boyfriend pap Kareem Abdul-Jabbar or whatever the hell his name is. Apparently those two are really into each other. Uh-huh.