White trash fatso Nikki Blonsky and her thug father are in a Caribbean jail after getting in an airport fight with America's Next Top Model contestant Bianca Golden and members of her family. Okay, that's a weird sentence. Pressing on...Blonsky and her old man, Carl, reportedly scrapped with the Goldens after a dispute over seats in the departure lounge of the Providenciales International Airport in the Turks and Caicos Islands. Let me guess...they only have one extra-wide seat and one of the Goldens was already in it. Yeah I can see where that would be a problem. Anyhoo...the mother of Bianca Golden ended up so badly injured that she needed medical attention. Carl Blonsky is facing charges of grievous bodily harm, which carry a max sentence of five years (in a Caribbean jail, which can't be pleasant). Nikki faces charges of assault with actual bodily harm, for which she could receive a two-year sentence (just consider it a really harsh weight-loss program Nik). Bianca Golden faces the same charge as Blonsky.
Too bad the Lohans weren't there...that would've been some rumble.