Tyra Banks is a champion in the bitch Olympics. The former model and current Oprah-wannabe won a gold medal recently in the Freestyle Pissing Off the Audience event, as recounted by Page 6:
The model/talk-show hostess kept her "Tyra Banks Show" audience waiting for nearly two hours at her West 26th Street studio Tuesday during a taping of "Celebrating Black Models, Past, Present and Future," while she stood backstage giggling, snacking and chatting with the crew."You could hear her going on and on because she was standing right behind the stage curtain," said one audience member. "She's talking and talking. Meanwhile, you have the entire audience waiting almost two hours for the taping to start." And our spy said when Banks finally did take her seat onstage, she had a bad attitude.
"She leaves us waiting, and everyone is sitting there complaining, and then she comes out and doesn't say a word about it. She didn't even say hello, she got right into her script," said our source. "She acted so cold towards everyone. She's a phony."
Tyra then dragged the audience outside for some big segment where they were supposed to release black balloons for some fucked-up reason. The ensuing chaos resulted in some kids being trampled and some other audience members grumbling about hurting the environment. "Tyra was acting like it was a live sporting event instead of the most self-indulgent, narcissistic crap," said a witness. Kill her.