Thursday, October 16, 2008
Class Act
It didn't take Madonna long to start bad-mouthing Guy Ritchie. The human vaginal sore took after soon-to-be-ex-husband last night at her Boston gig during an intro to one of her songs, saying, "[This is for the] emotionally retarded ... You might know a few people who fall into that category ... God knows I do." Like yourself? And everyone who listens to your music? Dear Madonna: What could be greater evidence of emotional retardation than slamming someone you allegedly once loved in front of thousands of people? Yes, I realize divorces come with a lot of hurt and bitterness and recrimination but most people aren't low-rent enough to go declaring that shit before whole arenas full of complete strangers. I guess fake spirituality doesn't make you a better person after all.
Guy Ritchie,