Madonna and Guy Ritchie gave their marriage another go but apparently whatever they were trying didn't work and now they're divorcing for real. "Guy Ritchie is responsible for wanting this divorce now," a source revealed. "He didn't want to wait to break the news, it had gone on along enough. This marriage was over a long time ago."
"All her friends and family have known all along," another source added. "They had to keep it under wraps and really tried to work things out. They tried for years, actually.
"They thought their belief in Kabbalah could help, but it's unfortunately hard for Madonna to hold on to anybody in her life. Thank God she has the kids."
So Kabbalah isn't strong enough to keep people's egos from spiraling out of control and ruining their relationships? What the fuck is religion good for if it can't keep people's selfishness and vanity in check? Why don't any of these wads ever apply a dash of logic and realize all their hocus pocus isn't doing them a lick of good and their whole problem is that they are who they are and no amount of mumbo jumbo will ever change that? Hmm?