Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Sure Honey...It's By Choice
Gwyneth Paltrow's movie career is pretty much in the toilet but you won't find the former Oscar winner admitting it. Instead Gwynnie, who has reached new heights of insufferableness with her patronizing website, is finessing the whole circling-the-drain thing by pretending she's taking time off to be with her kids. "I haven't starred in a film since my kids were born, and I don't think I will," bitch told Gotham magazine. "I'll never get these days back ... I don't want to miss them." Well Gwyn, I asked your kids about it, and they said they wouldn't mind you going back to work. In fact, they asked me to tell you to please please pretty please with sugar on top and a big red cherry go the fuck back to work you unbearable shitstain of a human being. And give the website a rest. The peasants have been making their own Thanksgiving dinners for centuries and don't need your advice. This is your kids saying this Gwyn. Not me.
Gwyneth Paltrow