Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Pete Doherty is Doing Drugs in Prison

Pete Doherty
has been locked up for his own protection in London's Wormwood Scrubs. Unfortunately, Pete has less regard for himself than society apparently has for him, so he's still shooting heroin even inside lock-up.

"We can’t believe how much he’s still clucking for it," a fellow inmate said. "They put him inside to force him to give up but Pete always has a need to feed his habit."

Doctors inside the jail are giving Doherty methadone to try and wean him off smack, but the rocker is apparently having heroin smuggled in for him.

Also, a rumor went around when Doherty first entered jail that he had hidden drugs in his possession. This put Doherty in danger of being robbed and/or beaten up by fellow inmates who wanted his dope, so he has befriended a big streetfighter named Ray who kicks the other guys' asses for him.

Doherty is currently living in a small cell with a drug dealer. His mattress is said to be urine-stained...which is actually a step up for him.