Monday, April 21, 2008

Bill Maher Under Siege

The right-wing haters (that's a word everyone seems to like so I'll use it too) are trying to blow Bill Maher's anti-Pope comments up into a big controversy, in hopes that this will get him fired from his show on HBO.

This is stupid in many ways. One, the Pope is just an old man in a funny hat; he is only important because a billion Catholic dupes don't know any better. Two, Bill Maher has been talking shit against religion, sometimes insightfully, sometimes brainlessly, for years, so all this sudden venom against him is a bit hard to swallow. Three, the right-wing hates Maher because he trashes them more incisively than they trash him, and this angers the chimp-brains, and they're just looking for any excuse to get rid of him the same way certain people wanted an excuse to get rid of Imus and used the nappy-headed ho comment.

So, the new Fire Bill Maher movement is just a crock of shit. It's standard publicity-grubbing. The American Life League should shove their petition where the sun don't shine. Bill Maher should go on his show next week and say the Pope sucks dicks on weekends.