Monday, April 21, 2008
Bill Maher Under Siege
The right-wing haters (that's a word everyone seems to like so I'll use it too) are trying to blow Bill Maher's anti-Pope comments up into a big controversy, in hopes that this will get him fired from his show on HBO.
This is stupid in many ways. One, the Pope is just an old man in a funny hat; he is only important because a billion Catholic dupes don't know any better. Two, Bill Maher has been talking shit against religion, sometimes insightfully, sometimes brainlessly, for years, so all this sudden venom against him is a bit hard to swallow. Three, the right-wing hates Maher because he trashes them more incisively than they trash him, and this angers the chimp-brains, and they're just looking for any excuse to get rid of him the same way certain people wanted an excuse to get rid of Imus and used the nappy-headed ho comment.
So, the new Fire Bill Maher movement is just a crock of shit. It's standard publicity-grubbing. The American Life League should shove their petition where the sun don't shine. Bill Maher should go on his show next week and say the Pope sucks dicks on weekends.
Bill Maher,
The Pope