Pete Wentz thinks the media are trying to burn his fiance Ashlee Simpson at the stake for being pregnant.
"There is a witch hunt for people to be pregnant whenever they get engaged in Hollywood," Wentz said after rumors began circulating of Ashlee being knocked up. "This is all news to me. I can't wait for the story about how I'm really in a gay relationship and this is all just a cover ... I mean really, this is crazy ... I mean we're engaged, that's true, and happy about it."
Funny you should bring up the gay thing Pete...
No, seriously...Pete honey, you need to buy yourself some books and read up on witch hunts. Normally, one uses that term to refer to things like McCarthyism...you know, situations where people's reputations and even lives are at stake. I don't think Ashlee stands to lose much from people claiming she's pregnant. Cause first of all, no one really cares. And second of all...what does she have to lose?
This is what happens when fruity Emo nitwits try to sound smart.