Friday, August 1, 2008
It's Just Like David Bowie in the '70s...
Pete Doherty is getting some heat for giving a Nazi salute on-stage in Spain. A couple of things on this...First: People who give Nazi salutes on stage are desperate to create controversy and get themselves in the papers and should therefore be ignored. Second: Rock stars imitating Sieg Heils and other gestures associated with murdering totalitarianist regimes was really cool back when Bowie was in his Aladdin Sane stage. Now? Not so much. Third: Pete Doherty is so drugged up he probably didn't even know what he was doing. And no, this is not a slander of Pete...witnesses say he did drugs on-stage at the same show in Spain. He might've thought he was reaching for a box of Bisquick off a shelf when he did that "salute." "Hey honey, I'ma make pancakes. Kate?! You there luv?"
Pete Doherty