Tuesday, August 12, 2008

People Are Gonna Start Talking...

Barack Obama
has reportedly asked crazy-ass Joss Stone to write him a campaign song. "Joss is a big supporter of Barack Obama and was very excited to be asked to do this for him," a source said. "He sent a personal message asking her to get on board. He has always admired her music and thinks she is the perfect choice because of her unique appeal to black and white voters. She believes he is going to be the first black American president and she is honoured to be a part of that."

I don't want to start rumors...but Barack Obama sure spends a lot of time emailing young white women. Okay, maybe he doesn't want to hook up with Joss...maybe he really wants her to write him a song. Maybe he's "always admired her music" and "thinks she appeals to black and white voters." She's also big with wrestling fans after that headbutt at the baptism. If you ask me Barack wants to be the dark meat in a Scarlett Johansson-Joss Stone sandwich.