Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Tad Creepy

I'm not ready to go over the rainbow with outrage over this Obama kiddie chorus video like some people, but I have to admit - it's a tad unsettling. I guess I sort of get what they were going for - the whole children are our future bit - but I don't know. Can't we just leave that kind of crap out of it? Can't we keep this on the level of grown-ups hashing things out? It's only a little creepy but it's very, very manipulative. And schmaltzy. It's just kind of tasteless and I wish politics didn't have to become about crap like this. Unfortunately, when you peel back the (very thin) veil, Obama is not the difference-maker people want him to be. He's a dude in a suit who wants to be president real bad. He's still better than McCain or god forbid Palin but fuck me...I may end up voting for Nader or Bob Barr after all.

If a Celeb Adopts a Kid and No One's There to Report it...

Andy Dick look-alike Joely Fisher has jumped on the kid-adopting bandwagon by snatching herself an African-American orphan. "Joely and [husband] Chris [Duddy] were inspired by Angelina [Jolie] and Madonna's decisions to adopt a baby from Africa, but, after looking into the adoption process, they realised there were so many children in the Los Angeles area who needed homes." Great. And in a year Joely and Chris will be fighting each other for custody like the kid was a house or some silverware.

Hi John

Who needs a dating service when you have a bikini and a bunch of paps? Jennifer's ass doesn't have to worry about being shot when it goes hunting.

Hot Actress Celina Jaitley Picture Gallery

Hollywood's Sexy Actress Salma Hayek Photo Gallery

You Know it's True

Christina Aguilera
's son Max looks like a Mongoloid. It's not meanness - he just does. Clearly this bitch was taking all kinds of drugs when she was pregnant. She should have to spend a month locked up in the puppy mansion with Paris Hilton's dogs.

Rich Brats

Remember the car you learned to drive in? For me it was a rusty old station wagon with wood paneling down the sides. If you're a Jonas Brother? You learn to drive in a shiny Mustang. At least we don't have to worry about him soiling the backseat with his love-ick while trying to stick it in some Disney ho. Jonas Brothers are too pure for that kind of shit.

Good News for Lesbians

Jimmy Kimmel
and Sarah Silverman are denying rumors that they've rekindled their romance. Lesbos are so happy to hear this. They want Sarah for their side really bad. It's not enough to have Anne Hathaway, who apparently likes getting it in the ass with strap-ons.

Sell Out

Clay Aiken reportedly received $500,000 to admit his gayness to People magazine. A Crabbie exclusive: Someone also offered Rosie O'Donnell a jelly doughnut to admit she's a fat loud-mouth. Another magazine gave Sarah Palin a foot massage in exchange for her admission that she doesn't know jack shit and the whole vice president thing is a gigantic put-on.

For another $500,000, would Clay also admit he's a tremendous asshole?

Move Over Keira

Welsh chanteuse Duffy admits she's having a hard time adjusting to the attention that comes with having a hit record. "As a girl I thought I was superhuman... but I'm borderline on a breakdown," Duffy says. "The scary thing is that this feels like the beginning. It would be easy to become a recluse... I have sold my soul."

Oh, I'm sure you'll be fine Duffster. Just follow Keira Knightley's lead. Claim you despise fame, then sign huge contracts to have your picture taken for billboards and magazine advertisements. Then do tons of interviews where you spill your guts about every tiny detail of your life...including the fact that you hate having no privacy. Then stop eating entirely and become so consumed with rage that no one around you can stand you and people in the business start rooting for you to fall on your face. Then do the one thing Keira hasn't done yet but we wish she would do: Die.

Or I suppose you could just beg for mercy (yeah yeah yeah).

So Things Are Going Well Then

Ali Lohan
may be a big star one day but for right now the best she can swing is a part in a direct-to-DVD R.L. Stine movie co-starring Miley Cyrus's sister. I think Ali may also have designed the artwork for the cover. What emotion is she trying to convey in that particular shot? Slight digestive discomfort? It doesn't bode well for your acting career when your pre-pubescent co-stars appear to be out-performing you on the DVD cover. The dude on the right totally banged her.

(Note: I thought Noah was Miley's brother. Who the fuck names a girl Noah?)

AM Out

attended a memorial service for Chris Baker, the Travis Barker lackey who was killed in the plane crash that also left Barker and AM severely burned. Yeah I know I'm mean if I say anything about this story except "pray for them and their families and their pets and the ringworms that live in their guts." Just one little one though?

DJ's head was burned off and replaced with the head of Christopher Guest. That's not so bad right?

Monday, September 29, 2008

Dumb-Ass of the Week

Sarah Palin is definitely a dumb-ass. But is she as dumb as...

This guy?

Or how about this unbelievable dipshit?

This crap is not only stupid, it's hubristic.

And then there's this guy...he's just plain nasty.

Flippering Out

This just gave Jennifer Aniston an idea...