Monday, January 7, 2008
Hillary Screwed?
Is Hillary Clinton on the verge of dropping out of the presidential race? Matt Drudge claims she is. Apparently, Hillary is concerned that, if she loses New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada after her humiliating defeat in Iowa, it will irreparably harm the "Clinton brand" - a prospect so loathsome to Clinton that she might opt to pull out of the race early rather than suffer those loses. Clinton, in some polls, trails Barack Obama by double-digits in New Hampshire and other key early primary states.
Newsflash for Hillary: The "Clinton Brand" was already irreparably harmed by your lying, cheating, hummer-getting husband (just ask Al Gore what it's like being associated with that particular name) - and it hasn't been helped lately by the fact that you come off about as warm as a King Cobra on television, and have yet to take a definitive position on any issue except that you really, really want to be president. So please, Hill, take the big fat hint the American people are trying to give you, and just go the fuck away. Drag your wide, pant-suited ass back to the Senate and rake in some more big money from all the corporate interests you claim you don't represent. And while you're there, don't forget to vote to give George Bush another blank check to wage war. Maybe he'd like to ruin Iran next or some other random country as tickles his fancy? We know you Democratic Senators don't have the balls to stand up to him on anything, even though at this point he should be the lamest of all lame ducks.
By the way, Crabbie is officially endorsing his candidate today. And that candidate is...
Write-in Crabbie for president. I'll put a chicken in every pot, and stuff some pot in every chicken. And oh yeah - free gay porn for everyone!!!!