Monday, April 7, 2008

Uwe Boll Will Quit Making Movies if Enough People Sign His Petition. And I Care Why?

Uwe Boll probably gets more grief than any other film director in the world.

Why this one hack should be singled out in a world full of Tony Scotts and Michael Bays is beyond me. Anyway, at least Uwe has a sense of humor about the whole thing.

Awhile ago, Uwe made waves on the Nets by challenging film critics to a boxing match. That resulted in this unfortunate episode:

The boxing match thing won't work again, now that critics know Uwe is actually a trainer boxer (he didn't bother letting that little bit of info get out when he was daring people to fight him). So, Uwe has moved on to a new ploy...telling everyone he will quit making movies if enough people sign a petition.

Of course, Uwe has no intention of retiring from movies...not as long as there are stupid video games to be made into stupid films full of big-titted chicks. This reality has not deterred upwards of 18,000 people from signing the petition. Uwe's response to the 18,000?

18,000 is not enough to convince me. One million. Now we have a new goal.

No Uwe...I'm not going to sign your get-rid-of-Uwe petition. It would only feed your sick masochistic appetite. You are a no-talent who's good at self-promotion. There are lots of those around. You're nothing special.