Boobs don't interest me in general and the boobs of 14 year olds even less so but the wind has blown me in this direction so now I have to address it: Ali Lohan's breasts...Fake or Real? I'm saying fake...unless she accidentally ate some radioactive material instead of her Coco Puffs one morning and her tiny little pubescent nub-breasts blew up like the cricket in Them. Ali's sister Lindsay has come out all fuming with mock outrage over the media's speculation about her sister's rapidly expanding rack. Lindsay posted on her blog:
hey everyone..
i just had to share something that came up today and it made me feel a bit sick to my stomach.
so, here's the visual...
me and my friend Patrick walking into a store, and two paparazzi come up out of nowhere (like usual) and start throwing questions at me...
one of them being, "Hey Lindsay, what do you have to say about people commenting on your sisters implants?"
my response simply was, "Did you really just ask me that? She is a 14 year old girl, and you are a pedophile!"
i was caught out of nowhere so i didn't really come up with the proper response at the time.. there's many other things that i felt like saying, but why give it to a random guy with a camera so that he can make money!
All i am trying to say is, is that, i was raised with a wonderful family surrounding me, of course we have our ups and downs, but all in all my mother taught us to appreciate what we have been given. Nor would she ever encourage, or allow a 14 year old child to alter her body.
I might've believed Lindsay, if not for that 24th exclamation point after WOW. 23 exclamation points, okay. 24? You're really forcing it.
Of course we all know what a monster Dina Lohan is. The woman is perfectly capable of encouraging Ali to have all kinds of cosmetic procedures including breast enhancement. And we know plastic surgeons have zero ethics and would therefore not refuse to undertake the procedure even if the female in question was only 14. Not that they would've been able to tell...Ali actually looks older than Lindsay at this point.