Monday, August 18, 2008

Candid Mayer

John Mayer
wasted no time in opening up about his split from Jennifer Aniston. Some paps asked the singer about the situation and he provided the following quotes:

There's no lying, there's no cheating, there's no nothing.

Jennifer Aniston is the smartest, most sophisticated person I think I have ever met.

(Editor's Note: previous acquaintances include Jessica Simpson)

People are different, people have different chemistry. I ended a relationship to be alone, because I don't want to waste somebody's time if something's not right.

He's the dumper, she's the dumpee, just like I figured. That whole bit about him wasting her time and something not being right - we know what that means of course. She wanted it to be serious and he didn't. Her old-woman clinginess chased another one away. When will she realize that if she wants to settle down with someone and raise a family she needs to pick an older man who's out of that fuck-happy phase? So maybe the older man is less exciting - so what? That's the sacrifice you make for stability. Jen's whole problem is that she wants to have her cake and eat it too.