Friday, June 22, 2007

Paris's Shrink A Fake?

Radar Online has unearthed some juicy tidbits about Dr. Charles Sophy, the psychiatrist who convinced Paris's Hilton's jailers that she was too disturbed to remain incarcerated and should be released to house-arrest (a move that was later overturned by angry judge Michael Sauer). For one, it turns out Sophy is not an M.D. - he is a D.O. or doctor of osteopathy; a distinction some say is actually irrelevant given the training D.O.'s receive. However, Sophy often identifies himself as an M.D. - perhaps because he feels this is a more distinguished title.

Another little fib Sophy's been telling regards his position at UCLA. Sophy's website used to identify him as "an Associate Clinical Professor at the UCLA Neuro-Psychiatric Institute." Radar found out, however, that Sophy was never more than an unpaid clinical volunteer at that institution, and far from an Associate Professor of anything. Sophy tacitly admitted bending the truth when, after being confronted with his lie by Radar, he changed his website to reflect his actual status.

Sophy's rather loose sense of the truth has come to light in high-profile celebrity cases before. During the Michael Jackson child molestation trial in 2003, Sophy, in his capacity as medical director of L.A. County's Department of Children and Family Services, received a memo detailing an examination of Jackson's alleged victim and the finding that allegations of abuse were "unfounded." This confidential memo somehow found its way to the media - and was used by Mr. Jackson's attorneys to help exonerate their client. Sophy still denies leaking the memo himself.


Mr. Sophy would appear to have quite a history of using his medical credentials to help celebs get out of trouble, wouldn't he? Wonder how much Rick and Kathy paid him to lie about Paris's condition.
