Angelina Jolie is defending herself against accusations that her constant globe-hopping is keeping her too much away from her children. Said Angelina:
I do no service to my children by staying home and allowing the world to be what it is. That's not teaching them anything, it's not raising them properly.
"Allowing the world to be what it is." Well, I think that just about says it all, doesn't it? Angelina thinks that if she stops running around the world for photo-ops, the whole thing will just unravel entirely. That is how self-important and egomaniacal this woman is. It reminds me of something someone once said about humanitarian and lousy father Charlie Chaplin - that he was good at embracing millions but rotten at loving one person at a time. That's Angelina. She's great with sentiment and grand "meaningful" gestures but when it comes to a nice, simple emotional connection she's hopeless. I honestly don't think she really loves her kids - because that kind of love is too prosaic and not worthy of her. What she really wants is to be worshipped, preferably by lots of suffering people who view her as a savior/goddess. She is sick in the head, that's all there is to it.