Peaches Geldof is only a big deal to Peaches Geldof. Maybe someone should take the girl aside and explain this - otherwise more unpleasantness is sure to occur, of the type that went down when she raided the trailer of a band performing at the Glastonbury Festival this weekend.
The band is called The Enemy - and they are not big fans of Peaches Geldof. Said the group's lead-singer of Peaches's insufferable antics:
She kept coming into our trailer all high and mighty nicking all our food. We were pissed off with her for that, but then she started taking the piss singing our song ‘Away From Here’ and that was that. ... I told her to fuck off, that she was a nobody and should stop acting like a slag all the time. She muttered something like don’t talk to me like that, but I didn’t give a shit and booted her out. ... If someone talks to me like a cunt, then I treat them like one. And that Peaches nobody is exactly that. ... She’s a rich posh kid who’s just the daughter of Bob Geldof. Most bands couldn’t give a fuck about her. Just what is the point of her being backstage? It’s really embarrassing. Just who is she exactly?
There's nothing like a profanity-laced Brit tirade, is there? Just imagine all of that in a thick accent with a bit of druggy slur - music to the ears.
And by the way, Peaches - that dude's got you pegged. You are nothing but a useless slag. You wouldn't think so highly of yourself if you had been taught decently by an engaged parent. But your daddy Bob doesn't give a fuck about you - so he let you run around doing anything you pleased. And the result? You are an insufferable little twat like him.