I look at Ryan Reynolds and I think, "Is this a happy man I see?" I don't ask this cause I actually care but just in idle curiosity. He is married to Scarlett Johansson, as you may recall. I say "as you may recall" because, frankly, I never see pictures of them together. Actually, I'm not entirely certain they are married. I think they may have punked us.
Lots of heteros envy this guy cause he (presumably) gets to play with Scarlett's milkbags, but, big sloppy milkbags aren't really all that hard to get your hands on. Lots of women have them. If you want to grab some bad enough, just go find an ugly, desperate, fat bitch, then close your eyes and pretend the rest of her is Scarlett. I have to explain everything to you vag-lovers, don't I?