Yes Meghan, it's true - there were things going on in the world even before you were born. Time did not begin with your introduction into the universe, nor will it end when you leave. Amazingly, it is possible for people to know about this mysterious, dark time before their own arrival on the scene. They read books. They study. They go to school, instead of spending all their time on talk-shows making Heidi Montag sound like Susan Sontag. Would you please now drag your fat ass away? You are embarrassing yourself, your father and the entire human race.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Suck It, Fat Girl
Meghan McCain has long-since been outed as a vapid twat - but, for the benefit of the last few hold-outs, here's a snip of video from last night's Real Time where she gets her head handed to her by Paul Begala.
Yes Meghan, it's true - there were things going on in the world even before you were born. Time did not begin with your introduction into the universe, nor will it end when you leave. Amazingly, it is possible for people to know about this mysterious, dark time before their own arrival on the scene. They read books. They study. They go to school, instead of spending all their time on talk-shows making Heidi Montag sound like Susan Sontag. Would you please now drag your fat ass away? You are embarrassing yourself, your father and the entire human race.
Yes Meghan, it's true - there were things going on in the world even before you were born. Time did not begin with your introduction into the universe, nor will it end when you leave. Amazingly, it is possible for people to know about this mysterious, dark time before their own arrival on the scene. They read books. They study. They go to school, instead of spending all their time on talk-shows making Heidi Montag sound like Susan Sontag. Would you please now drag your fat ass away? You are embarrassing yourself, your father and the entire human race.