Michael Jackson's mother Katharine has filed papers to receive guardianship of the late freak's children, but the filing doesn't indicate whether the bio-mom of the two older kids, Debbie Rowe, intends making a challenge.
Rowe, we were told a few days ago, was preparing to mount a custody fight against the Jacksons, but there was a story yesterday in News of the World (since removed from their website) full of bizarre reports, including one that had Rowe revealing that Michael wasn't even the kids' father, and that she had no intention of seeking custody.
Well, I don't know who can look at those kids and not see that Michael at least donated the sperm. As for Rowe's desire to seek custody: as I said before, I'm sure that all depends on how much money she thinks she can pump the Jacksons for. She took a huge pay-off from Michael to go away before, so why not seek another load of fuck off cash from grandma? It just doesn't make any business sense for Rowe to hand over custody without at least threatening a fight.