Saturday, June 27, 2009

Of Course

Jesse Jackson has figured out a way to insinuate himself into the Michael Jackson death story. The former civil rights leader and latter-day media-clown has appointed himself the family's official spokesperson, and has conveyed their wish to have a second autopsy performed on Michael to possibly clear up some lingering questions about how he died.

Suspicion continues to swirl around Michael's personal doctor Conrad Murray, who administered the Demerol that apparently caused the singer's fatal heart attack. "The routine inquiry is now an investigation," Jesse said. "They [the Jacksons] didn't know the doctor. ... He should have met with the family, given them comfort on the last hours of their son."

Too bad Michael didn't bleed all over Jesse - then he could've gone around wearing the blood-stained shirt for days.

It's nice to see Jesse sticking up for the little guy again. He's such a crusader for the downtrodden and oppressed.