Monday, June 29, 2009

He Can't Be That Dumb, Can He?

A former John Edwards aide is pitching a book proposal in which he alleges, among other things, that Edwards made a sex tape with his mistress and baby mama Rielle Hunter.

The aide, Andrew Young, also reveals that he was lying when he himself made a statement last year claiming credit for knocking up Ms. Hunter. Young says he was so devoted to Edwards that, not only did he pretend he was the one who'd had the affair with Hunter, he willingly allowed Hunter to move in with him and his own wife and kids to hide Hunter's pregnancy from the media.

Young says he discovered the sex tape after Hunter moved out, and he and his own family moved to a new house. Young also claims that Hunter discussed her and Edwards' plans for marriage in the event Edwards' cancer-stricken wife Elizabeth did them the favor of kicking off.

Just when you thought John Edwards couldn't slide any farther down the slimeball scale...a sex tape. Actually, that's not slimeball scale, that's idiot scale. Unless you're a no-talent media whore like Kim Kardashian, there is no earthly reason for you to be making a sex tape. What, were John and Rielle planning on whipping the thing out after Elizabeth passed and they got hitched, so they could remember the good old days when he betrayed his cancer-ridden wife and ruined his political career? Make some popcorn baby, I wanna watch the sex that completely fucked up my life.

This guy isn't even worthy of being a New York politician, that's how fucking low he is.