Monday, June 22, 2009

Get Used To It Kid

Photogs have been falling all over themselves trying to get a decent picture of Madonna's new adopted daughter Mercy. Here it finally is. The kid looks mildly upset but not on the verge of a psychotic episode like Suri or Pax.

Mercy will have many new experiences like this in the days and weeks to come. By now I'm sure she's already been introduced to Western food, which is nothing like the food in Malawi in that it actually exists. And Western water, which lacks that extra just-shit-into taste. And Western mosquitoes, which only take little bites, rather than tearing off your entire arm.

Oh, and of course she's gotten to hang out with David and Lourdes. The first thing she did was grab one of Lourdes' eyebrows, to see if it was real. Abe Vigoda gets that all the time too.