Sunday, June 21, 2009

Preemptive Ass Covering

Michael Bay thinks Paramount isn't doing a good enough job promoting his new loud brainless summer extravaganza Transformers 2. "I have been waiting, and waiting for the anticipation of an 'event movie' to make it into the 'public zeitgeist,'" the director ranted in an email to studio chief Brad Grey. Bay specifically ripped the print campaign, calling it an "abject failure." And believe me, this guy knows from abject failures: he made The Island.

Of course this all reeks of preemptive ass covering. If the movie flops, then it will be the fault of the studio for not promoting it. And if Bay is already trying to plant this seed? It must mean he knows the film is doomed, a major league stink-bomb that will make even Land of the Lost look like a classic. That's scary badness right there. Maybe, for the next Transformers movie (if there is one), Bay should just get rid of the giant robots and Shia LaBoof, and have Megan Fox work the pole for 2 hours. At least then she'd finally be tackling a role she can handle.