The negative publicity is unfortunately having an effect on Letterman's show. Not only has the program been bogged down with apologies, but now sponsors like Embassy Suites are pulling ads, claiming they are not taking sides in the matter but are simply retreating until things calm down.
Way to stand up for principle, Embassy Suites.
This whole thing would be completely absurd and laughable if only it weren't so terrifying, so indicative of a whole strain of Fascist thinking that disguises itself as right-minded outrage. And Palin's behavior in the whole mess is frankly reprehensible. The bitch needs to do more than just accept the apology and walk away - she needs to denounce the protesters who insist on continuing their politically-motivated attacks. Of course, this is not the first time Palin has stood idly by while her supporters behaved like hooligans. During the campaign, when Barack Obama was being called all sorts of horrible things, Palin could've spoken out against the hysteria, but instead she winked at it.
Clearly, Palin enjoys being at the center of these shitstorms. And she knows that, the more frenzied her supporters become, the more it solidifies her position as the head right-wing nutcase. And the great thing for her is that she doesn't really have to do anything. Once the controversy gets rolling, she can step aside, pretending to be magnanimous, and watch her mutton-headed minions do all the dirty work. Mussolini would be proud.