It's been several days since Jessica Simpson's dog Daisy was snatched by a hungry coyote that had no idea who it was fucking with.
So far, the search for Daisy has turned up nothing, not even an ear or a paw or a "Please Help Me" note scratched into a tree. But Jessica is not giving matter how many people inform her of the futility of her efforts.
"Still holding out hope despite the assholes that say is it a dumb thing to do," Jessica tweeted in response to the haters. "Daisy is my baby...why would I stop searching? I'm a mom."
Aw, that's touching. You go Jessica. Don't listen to those jerks who keep saying Daisy is nothing but a fart in the wind by now. Keep combing the woods. Keep stapling posters to telephone poles. Keep signaling with your flashlight. Keep praying to the great coyote god and leaving him offerings of dynamite and anvils and special super-strong ACME glue.
Daffy bitch.