Some genius thought it would be a great idea to create a Facebook poll that asked "Should Obama be Killed?" No chance of the Secret Service investigating that. Actually, they already are. And the poll has been yanked. And if the nitwits responsible have any sense, they are on a bus to Mexico.
To be honest, I'm uncomfortable even blogging about this subject. I'm afraid some investigator is going to Google the kill Obama poll and find my site and decide I am somehow spreading the evil anti-Obama sentiments fomented by the poll creators. Let me assure any Secret Service agents reading this site that I absolutely do not endorse the idea of killing Obama, nor do I think it was in any way cool for those people to make that poll. I hope you find those people and throw them in jail. I am a good American. Obama. Obama. Obama. I even voted for him.
God, can I have that vote back?